
Comenius Survey - The Italian Report

If you want, you can download also an .xls (85 kb)

and a .pdf (30 kb) version of our Italian Survey.


  1. As you can see, in our students there are a lot of prejudices, stereotypes and misconceptions to overcome.

  2. By the way how can I post our results

  3. Dear Ozzy, I try to explain. It’s quite easy, but not so easy to explain here.

    Anyway, go to http://en.calameo.com/ in order to create a free account there.
    Then upload your file with the Results of the Survey.
    Calameo creates for you a “publication” (like our “Italian Survey”) and give you an url (an internet address) that you can insert in the post after you sign in https://www.blogger.com/start with your Username (e-mail) and password and clic on “New Post”.

    I hope it’s clear. But I think that Michael can help you in France if you have problem. In alternative, you can send me the file and I put it here for you.

  4. It was a great idea this one of the surveys
